Pesach is coming in tonight. Yippee...I am so excited. It is going to knock the socks off of last Pesach. My ex was very gracious and invited me to his mother's Conservative seder. But the non-Jews outnumbered Jews and the haggadah was ran through as quickly as possible and very ackwardly. I am thankful for that though, since I was pretty sick and shut-in and I needed a bit of normalcy and remnents of my old life every once in a while. But this year...I am back up to speed, baruch Hashem.
During/after Pesach, I need to go on a diet. I feel as if I have gotten so fat (and I'm afraid to get on a scale). I can still wear all of my clothes but in pictures I just look so huge. Anyway, what type of diet...I don't know yet. Nothing sweet? Cut down on bread? I used to not drink anything but water and maybe drinks for Shabbos and that worked in the past. However I am very sedentary now because of my quirky leg, so I doubt that alone will do much. Why am I even dealing with this...I haven't even had any kids yet!
After work I just need to go home, shower and pack, and I'm set for yontif. I feel as if I cheated though -- in that I only had to "prepare" my room. I will be eating all my meals (except for chol homead lunch meals) in a Jewish home. I really, really long for my own "Jewish" home, but for now, I can't afford it. I really need a new job, but the timing is real crazy. I have all these loose ends to deal with for my classes, graduation and grad school, and job hunting on top of that will be too much. Nonetheless I talked to 3 staffing agencies, and I am set to meet with them on the 20th. The company I am currently with has had massive layoffs and every day I hear their anti-Obama talk (because he cut the funding to nuclear energy) and it's so old. Last night I went to and I am so, so proud to have someone like Barack Obama as our president. Apparently he uploads a weekly talk on the website and he's so sharp and in tune with what this country needs. Feels like a good dream...and I hope that we never get a rude awakening from it!
At 12:03 p.m. I went out for Bircas HaChamah. Early this morning it was snowing and dreary and very un-April like. On Monday, I picked up my car after having a new sunroof installed. It's so sweet...but since it has been snowing since I got it, I have not really had a chance to enjoy it. Although I did pop it up in the "vent" position when I went out for lunch because it was sunny and hot in my car (but not outside). Anyway, back to the bracha, the next one will be in 2037 or something like that. I will be in my 50s then. Whoa...maybe moshiach will come first! :-D