so, we've been feeding and housing a semi-alley cat. she's semi because we know her owner lives across the alley from us but he doesn't really take care of her. she's always wanting to come into our apartment to eat and stay warm. well, last night, we opened up our little wall storage thingy and she snuck in there. this wouldn't have been an issue but there was an opening to some weird nooks and crannies i didn't know where it led to. so, she disappears for a minute and i'm calling her name and making all these weird noises to get her to come to me but it doesn't work. so i tell mike to get some food and i tried luring her with food and that didn't work. finally, she started walking towards me and i just grabbed her. i was so worried and stressed out.
she's always wanting to go outside so i think we're just going to keep her out of our apartment. she's not spayed and we're afraid she's going to want to spray stuff in the apartment. gross. i know.