BtVS/Doctor Who/Torchwood crossover fic

Sep 13, 2007 11:54

Yesterday, I was flailing around wondering where I'd mislaid my sense of fun. I found it while poking around my hard drive, in this fic that I started while on vacation and never finished. Someone else must have written this bunny up, but here's my take. Thanks to appomattoxco for the original bunny and xanphibian for acting as muse.

Title: Who's the Doctor?

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who's the doctor, doctor who, fic

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Comments 98

ladypeyton September 13 2007, 17:07:43 UTC
Somehow, all of that managed to sound like the subtext was really, "You'll really like seeing me naked."

And that's totally the way it would have sounded!

Loved it!


missmurchison September 13 2007, 22:47:26 UTC
Barrowman could make the Code of Federal Regulations (much more boring than the phone book) sound like a pickup line.



skipthedemon September 13 2007, 17:40:50 UTC
Hahaha. Nice. Now I want more Dr. Who/Buffyverse crossovers.


missmurchison September 13 2007, 22:48:45 UTC
They must exist somewhere, but as usual I'm way behind reading fic.



kitmarlowescot2 September 14 2007, 16:47:36 UTC
I would suggest redwolfoz, she writes lots and lots of 100 words nanofiction, in which the Doctor and Spike have met, along with her most fun character Wolf. She does though ship Spike/Dawn. But they are very very funny. Including her recent Torwood/Spike crossover, in which Gwen talks to Dawn, about Spike and Jack and Dawn replies that on the roof they are probably talking about beer.


appomattoxco September 13 2007, 17:52:27 UTC
I'm wearing the biggest grin in the world right now. That was just perfect. Jack was so very Jack and the Doctor would stiff Spike.


missmurchison September 13 2007, 22:49:38 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks again for the inspiration.


thisficklemob September 13 2007, 17:56:38 UTC
<3 <3 <3 !!

Did I mention <3 ?

I adored this. The voices were perfect, from Buffy's "Sodomite demons" and "Pillar of Rectaltube" to Spike's faltering explanation of what police boxes were for, to Captain Jack's subtextual "You'll really like seeing me naked" and Buffy's attraction to him. (Jaaaaaack!) (Although, if he'd hit on Spike as well, that would have been the cherry on top. Maybe in The Future?)

And despite this being a piece of whimsy, it made utter sense plot-wise, for the Who-folk, Riley, and Spike.

*cuddles this fic to her bosom*


missmurchison September 13 2007, 22:51:38 UTC
I'm positive Jack was flirting with Spike too, but Buffy didn't notice. Spike and Jack would have definite chemistry. Not to mention getting into plenty of mischief together. Thanks!


thisficklemob September 14 2007, 00:18:31 UTC
*beams* *merrily pictures the flirty-sauce looks being exchanged*


willowgreen September 13 2007, 18:32:22 UTC
Ha! That's perfect! There's a sequel, right? (Something about the 100% probability of their meeting again?)

And Captain Jack can pop out of a police call box in my crypt anytime. :-)


missmurchison September 13 2007, 22:52:39 UTC
No sequel in mind yet, but of course they meet again. Only, which Doctor?



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