Oct 26, 2012 21:40
Hadn't realise how long it's been since I posted on LJ. Was re-reading posts and noticed I hadn't posted since daughter #1 got engaged. Since then daughter #2 has married too and daughter #3 is marrying in May 2013. We have 2 more grandsons from son and daughter #1 respectively, and hope we'll have some more one day.
I've been in therapy for over 12 months now for an Anxiety disorder and early OCD. Medication has helped but I think speaking regularly with a psychologist has been the most benefit. At our last session he asked me to consider what I wanted to do with the rest of my life assuming I have 20 plus years of life left in me LOL He asked me to write my epitaph and bring it along in a month.
This has led to some real soul searching, and wondering if I've left it too late to get a Degree in something, always regretted not being able to go to University for financial reasons straight from school. Then I read about a lady aged 94 who has just graduated from her Bachelor of Arts with honours, so I'm thinking seriously of doing some Uni online, so easy these days with Open Universities, and the ads keep popping up on Facebook and even on here as I type this LOL. Have enquired and will have to make a serious decision whether to try the pre-uni course first, just in case I've forgotten how toread and write good essays in the 40 years since I left High School. OMG, am I kidding???