Today is my Dad's birthday. It's very difficult, getting him a card. I see all these birthday cards for fathers and it's hard not to give him one ironically. They all say things like "You're the best, Dad!" or "Thanks for being there for me, Dad!"
It has to be either ironic or completely impersonal. There's the "Bestest Dad" cards, or the plain "Happy Birthday" cards. Is there not one that says "Thank you for occasionally being almost-adequate"? I thought there were supposed to be cards for everything.
N-Not mushy stuff. Not cooties.
Actually, they don't crop up terribly often in the books I read. Which is good. Now, what has not incited any gagging motions?
Aha! Because I like you all so much, I have two. Shocking!
One from - oh, no, I told myself I didn't want to repeat the same books over and over. I mentioned this book last time, oh yes. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell! It was well-written, so sue me. Definitely the winner:
If memory serves, there's only one kiss that's ever mentioned, and it's very brief, and very understated. It perfectly punctuates the scene, and the subtlety works in its favour. Anything more would have undermined the moment and would not have fit the character.
I won't tell you where it happens, because it would be a spoiler, but if you read it, you'll know.
I just know this book is going to come up yet again for another day's question. Are you sick of it yet? Moving along!
The other would be from everyone's favourite tale of patricide, The Brother's Karamazov. This one was unusual as it wasn't delivered in a romantic sense. Once again, it was of the understated-yet-effective variety. Do you see a theme here? Make it subtle, people!
Like my other example, I think I'd ruin the scene if I explained it in detail. However, I am oft hilariously vague, so I think it's okay to say it proceeds "The Grand Inquisitor" bit. "Brazen literary theft!" indeed.
Golly, Alyosha's a real sweetheart (and I gave my Togepi his name), but both times I've read it I've found myself drawn slightly more to Ivan. Wonder why?
You will notice I have skipped Day 19 - Favourite book cover. That is because I was completely stumped. I'll get back to you on that one.
Oh! I don't think I ever mentioned I started it, but I've been reading A Prayer for Owen Meany. Like To Kill a Mockingbird, it would not immediately seem to be my type of book, but I find myself completely drawn to it. It's strange and peculiar and the titular character is a fascinatingly odd duck, indeed. Even the CAPSLOCK is appropriate.
Not enough time to do a proper book ramble tonight as I have work in the morning. Co-workers! Do your job with honesty and integrity, or you will rue the day you cheated those customers! My combat parasol and I will not allow it! My magical girl dreams are getting carried away again!