My mum has to have surgery on her ankle tomorrow. I hope she's all right. Maybe I'll try to contain my mind-boggling terror of all things medical and come with my dad to pick her up from the hospital afterwards. We shall see.
I might have to steal
anglepoiselamp's answer to this one:
I don't often find myself drawn to short stories because I enjoy books I can get lost in, with wonderful characters and fascinating worlds. A brief little one-shot would end, just like that, without a chance for me to get attached to anyone, and all I'd see would be wasted potential.
This is far from a hard and fast rule, of course. I will happily devour short stories/novellas/etc. that are tied to longer, full-length series. Adventure in fun little bite-sized portions, where you don't have to let go of the characters!
Favourite collection of stories? The most obvious would probably be Sherlock Holmes. Speaking of, I am far, far overdue for a re-read of those. But alas, I have these two large volumes of Holmes stories, and someone has borrowed the first and failed to return it...
If there are a bunch of one-shots tied together, I can do that. I can't recall reading a collection of one-shots that weren't tethered together in some way.
Ooh, here's another good one! Not a collection, just a short story. It's... ah, it's a Holmes pastiche. So not terribly different from my previous answer. But you should go read it! You can do so right now, even. Come on, doesn't take long, go go go!
A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman. Not only is the story cleverly done, but I can't get enough of how it's presented. Those ads!
Reminds me a little of the detective story I want to write, the one I mentioned off-hand while doing the 30 Day Writing Meme. Because -- well! I've said too much.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Day off tomorrow! Wooooooooooo. Not a moment too soon.
Not that I get the entirety of the day to myself, since I have errands to run. But no Starbucks! Maybe I'll get some more reading done. On Mondays it's nigh impossible to read during my breaks, 'cause people are always doing admin duties in the back room.
Can't do anything about that, those have to be done. But the people who are back there and who aren't doing anything productive, oh! I have headphones on and a book to my nose: is that not the universal symbol for "I am reading please do not make small talk with me"?