Feb 21, 2020 10:52

Oh hello! It's very nice of you to pop by!

This journal is mostly friends only. It's not that I'm some kind of Hollywood movie star with fabulous secrets nor am I Nino's secret girlfriend (I SHOULD BE!!!!) It's just that I embarrass myself with my inane blabberings about whatever it is that I am adoring, admiring or admonishing at the time! The thought of leaving my stupid brain farts out in the open often leaves me feeling rather silly. So I'm just saving myself some time and flocking my posts automatically.

Anyway feel free to friend away if you want to keep track of my public entries, but please leave a comment in this post and introduce yourself if you're interested reading my non public entries. Doesn't have to be an essay or anything! I'd just like to know who you are! (Comments are screened!!).

I can't promise that I'll add you back as I'm really really rather slow about updating. Sometimes it takes me months and then sometimes I suddenly feel like having more friends! (ah I apologise in advance for the rudeness! I'm lazy at checking and remembering.)

Oh and in addition to all this babbling, I am a huge fan of active posters (as opposed to lurkers and phantom ljers who will get cut). I really do like to exchange comments here and there and get to know people. So if you're someone who writes regularly then I'll be really happy!

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