I finished watching Yamada Tarou Monogatari ! I really loved it. I think it's going in my favourites list with Nodame Cantabile and Hana Kimi. Perfectly whimsical in some parts, visually beautiful and really so damn sweet in other places.
Nino wants you to come look at a picspam. Come join us!
Yeah Yeah Yeah!
What follows is basically a Nino and Sho picspam.
Here's Yamada Tarou. He's dirt poor but goes to a UBER rich school. No one knows he's poor. Not that he's hiding the fact.
Ain't he cute?
Yeah everyone loves him.
I seem to have put too many white blazer caps in here. Have another one!
Here's Mimura-kun! Played by the lovely Sho. He's really good at playing the piano.
Mimura gets kinda obsessed with Taro!
Always watching him!
Sleeping and what not!
He's so disturbed that he follows Tarou home one day! The results are shocking and yet interesting. He finds out Tarou is poor!
And there was everyone thinking that both of them were a bunch of princes!
Hmmm Mimura Kun starts hanging out with Tarou. He thinks of ways Tarou can make money! While he thinks, Mimura likes to arrange flowers. No really.
Ummm, this is the first thing Mimura does to Tarou. He hires him as a maid!
Possibly one of my favourite scenes in the drama. Nino and maids do a little dance while cleaning and sewing. I kinda want to see this in an Arashi concert. LOL.
Right, but there's this girl. This one....she fancies Tarou because she thinks he's rich! All she wants to do is marry a rich man.
Yeah screw studying and relying on your own knowledge. What's smart about that?
And so she sets her sights on Tarou. But er......she sees this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF????? Tarou likes to dress in girls clothes???????
Jeez, why does Nino looks like a really pretty woman???? this is sooo unfairrrrrrrrr.
So Mimura is being meddlesome and brings the girl to his house to help Tarou out! Dude seriously, Nino looks really pretty here!
Ok, so everything usually turns out great in the end! Cue a shot of Nino smiling in the distance. Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!!!
So let's go back to the girl, think her name was Ikegami....or something! Anyway she tends to fantasize about marrying her rich man!
Here he is! Gah, he looks sweet here.
And here.
Favourite fantasy scene. The colours and the scenario...perfecto.
Le Sigh! Bed hair......
Unfortunately, the reality is that
life is hard dakedo happy.
So of course one day she does find out the truth! Her dreams turn into this....
She struggles with her feelings for Tarou. Because poor people are such a turn off! Ewwww. ; )
Another favourite part of the drama is when Tarou and Ikegami are in a film together! (yeah I know)
I thought Nino and Tabe had really great chemistry.
Why? Um they are really cute. I was watching the SP for this drama so I maybe slightly RPS them because Tabe got embarrassed when doing her romantic scenes with him, saying she had fallen for him!
More sweet.
Ok I have only one thing to say about this cap below.
Sho looked gorgeous all the time. Er, I was aiming for better commentry but er...seems not to be the case today. Guh!
By the way, IMO Mimura was totally in love with Tarou.
Ah the lighting was marvellous in this. Another favourite part of the drama is when they all go away for a study day. Doesn't Nino have a nice nose? (*scratches head* decides to dub this day...shallow day)
Favourite part of the episode. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!
Tarou gets lucky and moves somewhere else. Mimura is really bummed!
Couldn't not post his happy/heartbroken face. Awwww.
Sho was the most un Sho I've seen him. Silents, steely, rar... normally he's so dorky on their variety shows! :D
Best cameo!!!
Goes to Ohno! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Ah his hair, so fluffy! I can't believe he's Maou now. The contrast is so great.
Tarou makes eyes at gold digger!
Eh, so jealous!
So everything is all good!
Sho doing what he does best, being hot.
Gorgeous shot in the last episode. The trio kind of turn out to be like some Harry, Ron, Hermione thing...sort of. Not really.
Doesn't he look smart?
And in the end, they all leave school and become newscasters on NEWS ZERO.
Well no they didn't really! :D but they look like they did!
Aw, so yes. I'm kinda wishing this series would come back.
Still unresolved Mimura/Tarou love don't you think? or at the very least, see what happens between Ikegami and Tarou? just me??? I really loved watching them together. Anyway, if you haven't seen this drama, please at least check out the first episode. It's really fun!