Bit tired. Anyway.
Giving in my last reference and sending off my CRB check tomorrow. Excited and fucking nervous. But still. Means to an end...
Also, ja, been thinking about m'prison fic. Still working out the cast and such... Had a few ideas but some of them are... tricky. Hmmm.
This list is choc-full of characters that I'm not sure will even work. They're interesting enough ideas, and considering Ace Attorney canon, they could work.
Lana Skye (Governor)
Adrian Andrews (Deputy Governor)
OC Kit Drummond (Personal Officer)
Larry Butz (Personal Officer)
Maggey Byrde (Personal Officer)
April May
Dee Vasque
Morgan Fey
Ini Miney
Dahlia and Iris
Viola Cadaverini
Cammy Meele
Lauren Paups
Shih-nah/Callisto Yew
Alita Tiala
Vera Misham
OC Molly and Beatrice Rivale
Need to work on some more OC's. Or maybe canon characters. *shrug*