Aviy's questions meme was just begging to be stolen, and even heroes steal once in a while, right?
It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or
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Claire hates that she's not normal. Well, she did before she came to camp. She's gradually learned to accept her "gift," now that she's surrounded with so many other people with special abilities. She knows she has a problem with her temper, and has talked to Kurt about wanting to curb it. I'm not so sure there's anything she really loves about herself, but she likes that she makes friends easily.
What is Ivy's worst nightmare?
Her ultimate nightmare is a world without plants. A world where there cannot be plants.
But her other nightmare is becoming the monster she suspects she might be. Everyone hating her, even Harley. Everyone fearing her. Batman being dead, and no one to stop her. Killing and destroying and loving it without any tiny part of her saying 'no, stop'.
Claire's worst nightmare, then?
The Company finally catches her and takes her to some obscure lab where she's experimented on and vivisected. But she never dies, so it just goes on and on and on...
scared of next question now hero D:
Um... Beast's impression of camp so far? XD
It's busy and noisy and there's so many people and also, an enchantress somewhere who likes to cast spells on people at random. HE IS A LITTLE AFRAID.
>D Fuck, marry, or kill: Spirit, Ivy, and Teddy. YES I AM TRYING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HARD don't hurt me
Obviously, Ivy gets killed. There's no way she's getting fucked or married after that question!
Of the remaining two, jeez, this is hard! I guess I'll have to go with Teddy for... fucking. I feel so dirty just thinking that! He's sweet enough to forgive her, considering the circumstances, and maybe he can convince Billy to make them both forget it ever happened.
And everyone knows little girls want to marry their daddys when they grow up, so it makes sense that the Spirit gets the married part. So the ages and circumstances are just a little twisted. You gotta work with whatever's handed to you, yanno?
And as for your next question...
Marry Livio. He's a sweet guy. They could pretend to be normal.
Fuck Harley. Because, I mean. Harley. It's practically canon.
Kill Asta. Outside of Mercury, she's just a toy.
Worst thing Ivy could ever do to Claire?
Claire leaves camp. Who does Ivy adopt as her new sidekick?
...don't wanna 'nother sidekick D:
She picks Layla. The girl's a lot like how she used to be. Ivy thinks she can use that.
Most brainbreaky pairing between one of your characters and one of mine, and why?
I'd have to go with Bulma/Beast~ XD Two hot-tempered people can't be a good thing. Bulma'd top him in no time, though. ♥
Who would try to top me into apping? XD
Ummmmmmmmmmmm let's see. I might actually try to top you into Boq, because he's adorable and good and friendly and easily topped, and he would be wonderful in camp. And you might even manage to get through all of Wicked without flailing hysterically, given that you manage to play with Ivy~ Back atcha!
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