SF trip

Aug 08, 2007 23:15

Forgot to say that the SF trip was great fun. Berkeley peeps were kind enough to provide us with a lot of transportation and keep us entertained all week with adventures. If you see us in Austin this weekend, we'll tell stories about these things: 5 star hotel upgrade, bathtub ring, otter spraint, sand dunes, anchovy buzzkill, sugar & gold beach party, mystery ketchup explosion, whiffle ball, jooze, 2 hour crab feast, minimalist cupcakes, Eddie Izzard, Kermit, tiny house/ big hands?, goldschlager toilet clogs, peeing in the wind, flash dance, and life "in costa rica" (ICR).

More pics later. For now, here are tiny action shots of the half marathon & my results.  JS beat me by 2 seconds!


Place Overall: 3431 out of 4924
Women: 1744 out of 2767
F 20-29: 664 out of 981
AgeGrade: 43.98% Place: 3421
Finish: 2:28:39 pace: 11:21
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