Jan 08, 2006 22:14
So wow, its been a while. Things have been kiiiiiinda crazy. So here goes:
-I ended up with 3 A-'s and a C-. Dumb fuck Waldrep didn't believe me that I had done 2 papers and so he dropped my grade like a bazillions points. But I must have done well on my final paper. My GPA went down a little, but its still like a 3.4 or something, so I'm not worried.
-Christmas was... interesting, to save the very least, hah. First, we went to church on xmas eve... Yeah. I'm nottttttt a church person. It was ok, and the only reasons I went were because Phil, Margi, and Kali were involved. Then my dad put wayyyyyy too much vodka in my coke and I got real tired. Not to mention the cats, so I took a Benadryl... and passed out at about 10. Then, like always, I was the 2nd one up. Bev is always up before me. We opened our stockings, then Philip, Auntie, Bev, and Don went to church AGAIN. We had to wait until about 12 to open our presents. I got a new winter jacket that rocks, a new dance bag, season 2 of Friends, and a big-ass tv. For my room. And my dad hooked up cable. Well, my brothers got that too, but still. It rocks. My parents are also helping to pay for my trip to Florida :) So then... this is the good part. Sue and George (Philip's sister and brother-in-law) came over. Now, I don't care for George. He makes inappropriate comments and thinks he's funny, but he isn't. He also has quite the temper. So we just about finished opening our presents, when I see their car move (it was parked on the side of the road). Everyone was in the house. Some girl was flying down the street and side-swiped their brand new Subuaru Outback or something. GEORGE WAS RIP-SHIT. And we all laughed and made comments from inside the house. Billy then proclaimed it the "Best Christmas Ever" and Auntie agreed, because she doesn't like George, either. So really, it pretty much was.
-I worked a ton during the week at the track. Thats about all I have to say about that for now.
-Ummmm I turned 20? My birthday sucked a little. I went to get my nails done with my wifey, right after she got hired by Lori :) Then we went shopping and I spent a ton of money but it was ok. My parents took me to Bugaboo for dinner, where I had to make out with the moose hah. But most people forgot :( And I didn't really get anything.
-New Years Eve sucked. End o' story.
-Billy is back on the ice! He was out for about 2 weeks, after he had a concussion from a really bad hit. It was against Cape, @ the CCCC. He got flattened mid-ice, and it was scary. They tied Cheverus 2-2 the other night. It was incredibly exciting.
-Shane enlisted in the army :( He leaves 27Feb or something like that. *Sigh* Its supposed to be the year of the boy for me, according to many people, but I guess it won't be him. We had a nice talk the other night, though. I told him that I don't like the army and stuff like that, because I don't agree with the war and stuff. He totally respected my opinion, which was awesome, because most guys I know think thats stupid and think I'm wrong. But we're gonna try to keep in touch after he leaves. We'll see...
-Ok, so I am officially a creep magnet. We all know about Sean, the weirdo from work. Justin keeps giving me crap about it, but he knows that I think Sean is a creep. He just thinks its funny that the weirdos like me. Then there is this new guy, Bobby, who I knew from the beginning was weird. Yeah. Well, thats not even close. He was just kind of walking around and not doing anything when I got there last nite, and it was kinda busy. So I was talking to Justin (we were "folding head socks" but not really) and he was just kind of standing there. We were like, "ummmm, can we help you?" Then Michael made him go out on the track. After Kassi and Karen left, Ryan and I went to go clean up/set up the party room, which was pretty much an excuse for chatting. I went to go get something from the desk or something, and Bobby was just standing right by the party room door. I was a little creeped out, because then he followed me to the desk. I was like, "Justinnnnn, get him away from meeeee." So Justin found some crappy job for him to do. Ewwww. Creeps.
-I FUCKING NAILED MY RAGTIME AUDITION TONITE. Michael had me sing like a verse of my song, then had me do something else he needed to see (its too hard to explain), sing part of a song from the show, and read a line. I'm pretty confident that I got the part of Evelyn Nesbitt, which is the person that the character Roxie Hart from Chicago is based on. And my DREAM is to play Roxie Hart. But if you know me, you'll know that if I don't get the part, I won't be crushed. I'll be perfectly fine, actually. But I'm very hopeful :) If I get the part, everyone best be there or I'll be maaaaaaaad.
Ok so thats about it for now. There is a little more, but I'm tired. Ciao!