quick update!

Feb 02, 2009 15:45

been too long since i posted.  :/

still missing susana, but now that matt's moved in, i'm less lonely.  plus he's brought a fabulous 42" flat screen HD TV and an XBox 360 (with rockband)!  not the same as a susana, but at least it'll keep my mind off things. :)

derby's back in full swing!  sunday was the end of our recruiting process - we drafted the "freshmeat" onto the 3 home teams!  they are so awesome, it's INSANE!  the nutcrackers (my team) got 3 fabulous ladies and i'm THRILLED about all of them.  truthfully, i would have been thrilled with ANY of the lot of skaters, they are such an awesome group of girls.

speaking of derby-related things, we're having an amazingly cool fundraiser this friday at the milky way! 

Friday, February 6, 2009
The Milky Way, 403 Centre St, Jamaica Plain (map)
$10 . 8 pm . 21+

Step right up! Participate in fabulous feats of daring dancing! Cheer for Amazonian athletes of national renown!

Join us for a pep rally to kick off our 2009 season. Our cirque du derby features the undulating antics of the Boston Hoop Troop and the vaudevillian brass stylings of Down to This Earth ("Don't Stop Believin'" Sousa-style!). DJ John Barera spins for us all night. Juggling contest for BDD prizes. Custom cocktails by the ladies of LUPEC. Creative dress encouraged. Bearded ladies, snake charmers, and sword swallowers welcome.

check out the event on facebook, if you're a regular there...

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