Feb 03, 2009 07:34
It's 7 am, but I just can't sleep later than when the sun hits ... when we don't have blinds!
We are in the new house. It's amazing.... but empty. lol. He didn't want to take any of my furniture or anything... so I was just like... alright whatever, you do what you want, you paid for the house. haha.
Life is pretty good... but busy as fuck.
Who's life isn't though? I have school or work every other day, and right now I don't have any days off. :/
I love my job though!
I get paid almost 11/hr... to do nothing basically.
I work with my best guy friend Josh Kay.
(metal head)
he actually got me the job.
There are a shit ton of cool people there.
It's a cd company in St. Johns.
We call ourselves "technical compact disc operating engineers" for fun....
but really all we do is put cd's in cardboard and seal them up, and send em' off. lol.
There are mostly dudes working there, and it's safe to say, I'm the cutest girl... considering every other lady is at least over 35. haha.
There are only like 5 girls working there total ... out of 30 people. So, I do get a lot of attention. I think girls need attention, especially when they are in relationships. A lot of guys forget they need attention while in relationships, and get busy with their lives, therefor aren't always there to say "damn, you look smokin' " or shit like that. lol.
Most of the dudes there are really un-attractive.
Like.... almost scary looking....
but there are a few that are alright, and then one really hot guy.
But he's the typical "my life is running/working out, I eat only organic food, and only listen to 94.7, and wear jeans that are way too tight" kind of guy. What would you call those... modern hippies? lol.
He's really fun to talk to about random shit, but then when you get into the core of his life, and opinions he just get's annoying.
There is a fat chick there who is awesome. Besides bigger chicks hating me for being small, they usually find me funny, because I'm really open and crude... so we get along quite well.
That's the work life.
School is good, but I don't have friends there.
I really don't care to anyways.
I really don't want to go to class today. Why do teachers forget to tell us exactly when the mid-term is, so we show up all week? fuckers!
Boyfriend things are better. We didn't have intimate time for a while because of the move, fight, womanly things... so it had been almost 2-3 weeks. Kind of getting to the point where I didn't care to make the effort anymore. But, I knew he'd be feeling it, and low and behold, last night it happened. And it was fucking great! (except the no-blinds)
but yeah, it was like.... when you are shaking afterwards. lol.
and then he told me some nice things which stupidly made me cry. lol.
It was good, I feel like we are much better. I'm sure we will run into more issues soon, but it only makes times like that 9988900 million times better.
My mom and I were talking and she said we would have the most beautiful kids. lol. I was like... 'yeah, I will admit, I thought that too'
because he's full indian and darker skinned, and we both have really dark almost black eyes, and really thick dark hair, and big lips. lol.
So they would be mixed probably (which i think half indian/half light is fucking gorgeous)
and have huge big dark brown eyes, and thick long hair.
Gee, I hope it would be a girl. lol.
That's enough, time to get ready for school.