Jan 13, 2011 14:40
So I am not sure if anybody is out there that still reads LJ, but I figured I would post an update as I haven't done so since July.
*Work-Still doing the contracting thing and applying for full time work. Not much out there in my field. I am very much over-qualified for most of what I apply for, so that's a little frustrating. Eventually things will work out just fine, I hope. It's getting harder to believe that but I keep plugging away.
*Family-This area has been bumpy at best lately. I am just having a hard time with family right now. My mother in particular. In general we get along great, she is a good support for me and I for her. Lately it just seems that I can't do/say anything right. Perfect example: My parents 45th wedding anniversary was just this past weekend. Now, I know my brothers would not have remember it at all. I called them both to ask to chip in on a nice anniversary clock. That was not the issue. What was an issue was when I told my parents that they (my brothers and the grandkids) would be coming over on Sunday for a little bit. I would make a nice dinner and they wouldn't need to worry about anything. They had said a while ago that they didn't want a big party for their anniversary, I respected that. But all day on Sunday, I was basically shit on by my mother. She just wasn't happy about anything. She was upset that I didn't invite any of my aunts over. She didn't want me to cook dinner. She didn't want any over the house. She didn't want a big fuss. Quite honestly, the only person making a fuss was her. All my brothers and I wanted to do was acknowledge their anniversary by giving them a gift. That's it. I know there are probably a 1001 reasons she could have been upset that day, but gees, don't take it out on me when I am just trying to do something nice.
*Theatre- I decieded to take a little bit of a hiatus from the stage managing aspect of things. I was doing so much and was starting to get burnt out. I am very glad that I took the break, I really think I needed it and when I do take on another show I know I can give it my 100% focus that it needs.
*Health- Bumps here and there. Right around Christmas was a little hairy for a bit. But things are slowly improving. Nothing too serious so no worries there.
*Misc- Still seeing the same guys, we have also had a few bumps in the road. But we are slowly working through them.
Other than that not too much to report. Hope all is well with anyone still reading this...