Oct 17, 2006 21:49
abandoned roller skates on mississippi's beach at ocean springs, claiming the skates when they were still there 24 hours later.
yesterday it poured.
roller skating down the warehouse's aisles of stacked boxes through half-light of a stormy day, listening to rain pound on the roof. making art under a dry coffeeshop awning, running through the rain to a pub, infiltrating the milsaps college social scene. returning to the warehouse, wading barefoot through our huge flooded parking lot to the front door.
today the sun shines and the water had drained. i wandered around the side of the warehouse and found a patch of watermelon and cantelope growing. this made me unspeakably happy.
tomorrow we start work with habitat for humanity-- this project has run out of things for us to accomplish. how nice, to actually be doing something!