Austin and I have been talking about going to Canada for our honeymoon. It started out as a kind of joke, but then we got serious about the idea. However, Canada is cold in March *and* Austin has school to get back to. So, we're considering booking our honeymoon in advance but then taking it in May when school is out. I hear of a lot of people delaying their honeymoon until a convenient date these days, and so I figure it's fine. We'll probably be too worn out from the wedding to enjoy a vacation straight away anyhow! XD
Of course, I don't know anything about Canadialand save for the fact that Prince Edward Island is there, and I want to go there. I'm a huge
Lucy Maude Montgomery fan, and so you know I want to go and see the places that inspired Anne of Green Gables. I know. I'm lame.
So, I was talking to my mom tonight about getting in touch with a travel agent to help plan a vacation, and she mentioned having heard about tours of Canada via train. I was rather excited by that idea, and so I looked it up. As it happens, I think I found the
perfect tour for me! I don't know what Austin will think about it, but he doesn't know anything about Canadialand either.
So here's my question to you, friends list!
Does this look like a good honeymoon? Are Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island all I want them to be? I'm open to going elsewhere in Canada, but we'd really like to stay on the East Coast to keep plane rides to a minimum. I just don't want to end out with a frightfully dull honeymoon. I mean *I* think this tour sounds awesome, but maybe I'm just blinded by the image of Anne! XD