May 29, 2004 19:32
001. name: mckenna
002. nicknames: kenna
003. sex: female
004. birthday: june 2
005. age: almost thirteen
006. star sign: gemini
007. place of birth: greensboro
008. current residence: Greensboro
009. hair colour: brown
010. eye colour: brown
011. height : 5'1"
012. writing hand: right
013. do you bite your nails : nervous habit, sometimes
014. can you roll your tongue : yes
016. can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yes, yes i can
017. can you blow smoke rings: no
018. can you blow spit bubbles : yeah
019. can you cross your eyes: no
020. colored hair: no
021. tattoos and where : none
022. piercing and where: nowhere
023. do you make your bed daily : sometimes
024. what goes on first bra or underwear : i would have to say underwear and then bra and then i put my shirt on and then i put my pants on! YAY!
025. which shoe goes on first : right
036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : yes i have...and that was a rrrreally random question!
037. how much money is usually in your wallet? : i have no money and i have no wallet so i guess it all works out!
038. what jewelry do you wear 24/7 : nope, i usually wear a hairthing on my wrist or my hair...but thats not really jewelry now is it?
039. whats sexiest on a guy : depends on the guy
040. whats sexiest on a girl : errr
041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: on time and look always late and its not because im worrying about what i look like so im pretty tired of being late, i wanna be early!!!! AHHHHHHH!sorry
042. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : cut it
043. how many cereals are in your cabinet : hmmmm..7 maybe?
044. what utensils do you use eating pizza : none
045. do you cook : when i have to
046. how often do you brush your teeth : 2-3 times a day
047. how often do you shower/bathe : 1 or 2 tiems a day
048. how long do these showers last : 20-30 minutes
049. hair drying method : i usually put my hair up in a towel and then i let it dry itself...
050. do you paint your nails : sometimes
051. do you swear : no!!
052. do you mumble to yourself : yes
053. do you spit in public : no
054. do you pee in the shower:
055. whats in your cd player : i dont remember! oh yeah! its all american rejects! YEAH BUDDY!
056. person you talk most on the phone with: julie i guess because she's the only one that ever calls me*hint*hint*
057. what color is your bedroom: blue but im painting it orange sooooon
058. do you use an alarm clock : i used to
059. name one thing or person you're obsessed with: mmmmm right.
060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : no
062. window seat or aisle : window
063. whats your sleeping position: usually my stomach
064. what kind of bed do you like : a big comfy squishy one..
065. in hot weather do you use a blanket: always
066. do you snore : no
067. do you sleepwalk: no
068 do you talk in your sleep : how am i supposed to know?
069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal : sometimes
070. how about the light on : yeah, i hate the dark, pitch blackness is scary! plus i read everynight before i go to bed so i kinda have to keep a light on...
071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : listen to a cd
072. had sex : im a virgin
073. were kissed: like 3 days ago
074. watched bambi: i never watched that movie
075. cried : today because i hurt my eye:-(
076. talked on the phone : just a while ago.
077. read a book : last night
078. punched someone : today
079. is music important to you : very, i couldnt live without it
080. do you sing? : of course i do
081. what instruments do you play? EVERYTHING
083. pop music : some
084. rock music : yes
085. punk music : yes
087. hip-Hop/RB : yes
088. country : yes
089. jazz : no
090. classical : no
091. new age : okay
092. what is one band/singer you like that no one has heard of? mmmm...i dunno
093. your words : no..not really