Oct 21, 2008 16:25
I came across a site called generationrevolution.com. The formatting on this site is crappy at best, but the "Fuck That's" mentioned are priceless! I've included a few funny, pathetic notations. Yes....... I am bored. Why do you ask?
Generation Rx. Thanks to pill pushing medical corporations we have pills to go to sleep, to wake up, to wake our libido up, to make us pay attention, to make us happy and even to alleviate herpes break outs! Can we get that all in one easy to swallow enema, Please?
Bovine growth hormone in milk. Banned in Europe and almost all other countries because of its known link to cancer and other nasty things, but here in America it is readily served to school children. A little poison with your milk, Johnny?
Minimum wage below poverty line. Is this a joke? We thought the whole point of tracking the poverty line was to ensure that the minimum wage never dropped below it. Well fuck that too.
Bank overdraft fees. I once ate a $31 dollar burrito. $6 for the burrito, $25 dollars for the bank overdraft fee for overdrawing my account by .86 cents. It was the best burrito I ever ate. Fuck banks.
DEBT- DEBT- and more fucking DEBT! The average American citizen has over $9,200 and a monkey on their back at all times, and every new American baby is proudly spanked into existence already having accumulated $30,000 in debt and immediate future costs, just by being born. Welcome to life-hope you like working hard for dick!
The mis-teaching of Native American history in elementary schools. Until college, little kiddies will actually believe that Whitey and the Indian were good friends.
Drug testing and credit checks and Personality tests for employment. Generation Fucked takes drugs and most of us have bad credit-at least we have personalities. How the fuck are we supposed to get our piece of the pie? This is fucking bullshit.
Gas Prices. They are fucking us on this one- seriously…fucking us raw…do you feel it? Hurts…doesn’t it?
The “War on Some Drugs”. Fuck that shit.
Social Security Bankrupt by 2047. We pay for a system that will never benefit us. That sucks…
Warning labels and instructions for simple products. Warning: the hot coffee you just ordered may be served to you really fucking hot, jackass!
Un-affordable health insurance and the lack of a national health care plan. America has approximately 47 million people without health insurance, and we bet that you are one of them. If you’ve ever superglued a serious flesh wound shut instead of going to the emergency room for stitches-you know what we’re talking about. American Embarrassment McFact: France has a better health care policy than the U.S. What the fuck? France? Seriously? We suck!
Health corporations on the stock market. Healthcare should not be making money for rich executives who have nothing to do with actually making people healthy, only taking their money for it. Fuck them! Healthcare should have no bottom line or profit predictions- they should just be trying to help. No more pills for penis expansion, how about cures for real shit that kills people. (Good thing, so far, no one has been killed by an expanding penis. Yet…)
The Suicide epidemic and the fact that if you tell anyone you have those thoughts- you are immediately put on anti-depressants which may make you more suicidal- or even worse- Homicidal. And why are there more suicides in people who are on anti-depressants than others treated with non-medicinal therapies? GFUCKED ADVICE: Don’t kill yourself or anyone else…go to Iraq and get paid to do it for your “country” or tough it out and join the movement to make Generation Fucked become Generation Revolution. Hey- some of us got to outlive these old fucks who won’t let us change the system-maybe it will be you. Find a reason to live and pour your heart into it. Much love to you in the meantime.
LOL! The really FUKKED up part is, all this shit is true and we Americans can't do a damn thing about it.
Yeah, lets vote in MORE Government on Nov 4th!