
May 06, 2009 23:58

Woo hoo! I am back in business, from a power perspective, anyhow. Best Buy had the OEM/HP-branded AC adapter for my laptop, and it was cheaper to buy it in town than even buying it from HP themselves, which was sweet. My mother very kindly financed the purchasing of it (I'm going to try paying her back when I next get some cash; I've got a housesitting gig coming up, so that's a plus right there), so, here I am. Whee!

I didn't/haven't gotten as much writing done as I wanted to, but I do have a few things, which is good. I've also been thinking about my PCA characters again, and noticed that it's been just over a year since I last did anything with them. Whoops.

So, now I'm going to run off and do other things, like avoid certain emails* and look at websites and stuff.

* If you're reading this, it's probably not your email I'm avoiding.

avoiding stuff, raaaaaandom, i have the power!, writing, blithering, danger - high voltage

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