Mar 28, 2012 20:49
I can't say what I want and every time I try I decide that I don't want to say it like that or find that I'm wrong or at least only half-right and there are fucktard dead-goat-ass-eating bigoted shitbags in my city who are waving cartoon GAYS WILL EAT UR CHILDERNS! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA FEAR SHOULD RULE EVERYONE'S LIVES UNTIL THEY'RE AS PATHETIC AS OURS! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA! and even though I know I should be tolerant you know what? I don't fucking WANNA. They're the shitbag fucktards who need to show that THEY are fucking worth treating like human beings, not me or my friend D or any of the people at Myrna's or the transguy who works at my mom's office or anyone else.
AAAAAAAAAIHD IPOhf]aipoh Fipewhfi[ow eghIPOEGH ]ipohgiph egpih eipGhe] pihgA}KEGn Q3IGN QEIHGipqehg]pIAGN KSNG]OSIH 4G-9T3H -923-rj
paekng]ISERGg]h349ht-\9q3hjt\pioqj tfiJEGQIEGJ\Q39TU-\9Q3UTR[
So fucking there.
what the hell is wrong with you people?,
leave me alone,
fuck you,
learn some manners,
fuck homophobes and bigots,
shut up. go away.