She subsists on spam sandwiches.

Mar 16, 2011 17:44

The children eat whatever gets scraped together to feed them. And it's not like they're starving or anything.

God. Erica just came to me for a fucking WAFFLE. Her mother? IS IN THE SAME ROOM.

She needs to go outside and fucking play, and no, she's not going to. Because Bev can't be arsed to supervise her out-of-doors. (I can't, either, but I have an excuse: I'm still sick.)

So so tired.

So so close to just screaming uncontrollably.

Seriously thinking about canceling my NOLA trip to move out.

best. birth-control. ever., i hate you, ugh, do you ever shut up?, passive-agressive bitching, bitch bitch bitch, other people's children

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