Dec 19, 2004 10:08
ok, so i was watching that show on vh1, "my coolest years" and it was the one about the jocks and the cheerleaders and they were talking about how the jocks and the cheerleaders were always the coolest of the cool and basically ruled the school. and i got to thinking about ghs and i'm pretty sure that's not how it works here.
like, no one cares what the cheeleaders do and no one wants to become one of them.
and the jocks, well sure, there are some jocks who are popular but not very very very popular and there are a lot of jocks who are really really weird too.
it just makes me sad that guilford does not fit into the classic highschool picture frame like it does in so many other aspects. who's popular at guilford? well, the loudest girls with the best clothes and sluttiest taste that's who. and for guys well, guys who can't spell "detention" and who party and get stoned every weekend.
what happened to our golden years when the letterman jacket was like gold and cheerleaders strutted their stuff like it was fashion week in paris? now we laugh at most cheerleaders, sure there's a few on the squad who might seem popular, but being a cheerleader doesn't garuntee you stardom. and as for jocks, they're just sports obsessed guys who smell worse than normal. you tell me when noah trucks becomes popular, and i'll make you very rich my friend.
o jocks and cheerleaders, what has ghs doen to your gold plated throne? how come you no longer are the gods you once were? where o where has all the sanity gone?