Dec 28, 2004 11:13
its amazing to see your family grow up around you.
my cousins kids are now old enough to have shaggy highlighted hair and impress me with their renditions of seven nation army and back in black on their new shiny red electric guitars.
(and its amazing that im mad cool to them cos i wear skate shoes, a spiked belt and have my labret peirced)
...and in a strange juxtaposition; their father offered me his joint and laughed when i said i used battersea as detox...
i spent lots of time four wheeling and contemplating disheartening words from douglas coupland. there's something about sitting atop the ridge of a snow filled hill with a beer and a belmont to make you wish you could live this forever.
i also spent a lot of time rummaging through old articles/artifacts from my great grandfathers/grandfathers/now my papa's house.
from old phonographs and their rolls to memoirs of good standing church ladies and the cheese factory meeting agendas.
there is something to be said for history you can touch and feel.
"i feel like i wouldn't like me if i met me"