Lo que hacemos todas las noches, Pinky, un meme de LJ.

Jan 25, 2009 04:55

Acabo de despertarme de una "siesta" de varias horas. Ya no sé si volver a la cama o esperar a que se haga de día. Horario Batman totalmente.

De todas formas creo que no he contado mi vida en un rato, asi que aprovecho:

El jueves me evaluaron y a pesar de que mi trabajo era una mierda (lo sé yo, lo sabemos todos) me dijeron que servía. Lo que no servía es que no vengo a clase.

Me dijeron que estaba "on probation" y que si para aprobar tienes que estar presente un 80% del tiempo, yo estoy más o menos el 20. Que nunca habían visto algo peor (es malo, pero me siento especial, como cuando te regalan flores feas), y que si no preferiría dejarlo este año y repetir. Darme el año de baja o algo.

Básicamente sigo cabreada por la imbecilidad y lo absurdo que es todo esto. Si lo primero que dices es "oh, el trabajo es suficiente y nos mola", ¿el resto qué sentido tiene?¿Si puedo entregarlo estando ahi el 20% del tiempo, qué más quieres de mí? Una compañera sugirió decirles que faltaba porque el acosador me daba miedo.

La imagen era curiosa de todas formas: básicamente 3 señores mayores, cada cual estrafalario a su manera personal e inimitable (dos de ellos con frondosas barbas), sentados en un rincón rodeándome y echándome la bronca/miradas reprobadoras. Como la adoración de los Reyes, pero creepy y sin mula.

El acosador tuvo la decencia de largarse un rato mientras todo esto tenía lugar. Tipo sensato donde los haya. Si os interesa cómo le va: sigue silbando y canturreando inoportunamente, pero al menos se ha librado de la vagina dentata esa que había hecho con tuberías y clavos y pintura roja.

Ahora el meme:

Taggeada por popesclaw (here you go):

a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
I was already using it somewhere else. I started using it there when I was about 13, so excuse moi if it's pretentious and not too witty. I was (am) a Marlene Dietrich fan.

2. How do you style your hair?
Is getting out of bed considered "styling" these days? It is too horrible to even try, I'm just concentrating on growing it.

3. What is making you happy right now?
Fried rice, I guess. And Disney music. Oh, and Lost and Battlestar Galactica being back, yay.

4. What are you currently reading?
This meme. Also Vladimir Voinovich's Ivan Chonkin.

5. Do you need music to study/write?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. When I study/write I usually turn the music on and off every 20 minutes.

6. What is the last song on your play list?
As I said, Disney stuff. The last song happens to be from the Aristocats.

7. What was your first hair dye job?
I don't even remember. Black, maybe? Blond highlights?

8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
No, not on any real people anyway.

9. What is your favorite movie genre?
Is "good" a genre?

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
Fried rice, and tea.

11. What is your favorite color?
Blue, I suppose.

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, hotmail, TWoP, twitter (It's a drug, a horrible horrible drug), youtube, wikipedia, lately questionablecontent.net

13. What's your favorite food?
Chocolate stuff. Black rice. Foie grass. Pancakes, strawberries. I like food, food is good :)

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
I wish I had the balls to actually try and speak French out loud. Other than that I would have to learn them from scratch. German, Polish, Japanese would be cool in theory but lots of effort and studying in practice.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve? I looked it up. "Pet peeve: is a minor annoyance that can instill great frustration in a very small group of people, yet is experienced by everyone. It also must be insignificant, so people insulting you is not a pet peeve".

Ok, I hate it when people invade my personal space in any way: people touching me when they speak, walking too close to me in an empty street, taking the seat next to mine on the bus. I also think that everyone that chews gum loudly should be forced to watch Maid in Manhattan.

16. Do you have a birthmark?
A navel.

17. Who was your childhood idol?
I would love to say Kinnikuman, but to be honest I had too many. If I stop to think about it, my liking Android 18 when I was a kid is an obvious indicator that I would love Six so much now.

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
Hee, I want to go to Moscow withpopesclaw . Also Reykjavik.

19. What's your favourite non-food-related taste?
I don't completely dislike licking stamps, also Grapefruit Fairy.

20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
Funny Hitler macros :)

Taggeo a quien quiera hacerlo rilly. Me aburro y quiero saber qué sabores os gustan a todas que no sean comida XD.

En otras noticias, muchas facilidades a
frecklednose124 ! Algún día te haré el fanart del meme. Espera sentada, pero no desesperes XD.

uni, meme, real life

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