haha that new shakira song, I like it.
anywaysss yall should check this out and participate:
okay, for those of you who don't know what invisible children is about, check this website out:
http://www.invisiblechildren.com/ there's going to a be a "global commute night" on april 29th in austin (as well as several other cities around the world). basically, we're all going to camp out downtown overnight..and i'm extending this invitation to every single one of you out there, and all of your friends. the more people, the louder the message will be.
once again, i urge you to get up and make a difference. mark your calenders. just one night from you can make such an immense difference in millions of others' lives.
I know we got alot of shit going on, and this might get overlooked but hey im willing to help out these kids, and its one night out of anyones life so you should look into doing this too.
mmmmmmbobmarleyfest this weekend! i cant wait!
and Easter too! I got the cutest dress's for this summer!
I got a new job at sams boat im a waitress and we have happy hour almost all day every day! That place gets crazy, its suburban, midlife lonley men so Im sure the tips I get will be good. and thats what I need money money money.
im ready for this school semester to end, Im le tired of my classes, and I want some fun in the sun.
that new red hot chili pepper song is awesome, and the video is sweet.
the new tool album comes out may 1st I cant wait!
alright time to go do homework.