May 04, 2006 01:19
whenever someone I know dies, the death of that person occupies my thoughts time upon time during the course of the days, weeks after the death. This isn't something unique, I know everyone thinks about people who have recently died.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about mr. mikowski. I have had a dream about the family nearly every night, pray for them constantly throughout my day, and walking to my exam today found myself in tears. I know this isn't unusual or surprising, but I have found myself wondering why it is consuming my thoughts. I just can't get over the abruptness of a death like this. No warning, and they are gone in an instant. I know how much I take life for granted, and it feels like it would have to take something considerably extreme to end it. but we all know this isn't the case. The wrong place at the right time, the mysterious detrimental glitches in our bodies, or prolonged illness, and we can easily cease to mortally exist. it scares me to the core how fine the line between life and death is.
Ben is fairly close to Jeff, but I have not had much interaction with the family over the years. I doubt I ever spoke to Dan in my lifetime. Even so, I just can't stop replaying in my head the moment a few weeks (months?) ago when I saw most of the family in church together. Dan held Christine & Kevin's baby girl, his granddaughter, in his lap throughout the whole service, and she wouldn't go to anyone except her grandpa. (Maybe it sounds creepy I was watching this periodically throughout mass, but I love watching baby girls with adult men.. i think it is adoreable). I have the expression of his face as this was going on etched in my memory-- a look of nothing but pride and joy over this baby. I can't think of a better expression to remember a person by than that.
So Robin, I don't know if you read this, but I want you to know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family. The loss of your dad is a loss to the whole community, and I know he will be remembered fondly by all. (typical line, i know, but it is truly what I feel)
To end a little on the happier side, I just want to tell all my friends that i love them. and can't wait to see everyone soon.