So, a long while back I talked about an idea for a multifandom crossover using the premise of 21 Jumpstreet (Based on the TV Show, NOT the movie), and with Doug Penhall as the guy in charge. This is a little tiny snippet of it I wrote...
"Hey, what are you doing hanging around here so late?" Penhall asked as he found Ryan sitting at a desk, doing paperwork.
"Nowhere else to be," Ryan replied.
"It's the Christmas Eve," Penhall pointed out.
"I know."
"That's Davis and Mariano's report you're working on."
"I'm aware."
"Why are you working on their reports?"
"I'm just fact checking them and cleaning up Jess' more... colorful descriptions, along with Brooke's spelling."
"That's not what I asked."
"They flew out this morning to spend time with family," Ryan said. "I offered to read and edit the reports for them so they wouldn't have to worry about it."
"What about your family?" Penhall asked.
"Don't have any worth seeing," Ryan said, shrugging.
"I used to have family like that, but we worked it out."
"You've seen my file, Captain. I've spent a lifetime trying to work things out with my family, it always ends up in crying, tears, and arrests, and I don't like arrests if I'm not the one making them," Ryan said. "Last time I tried, my dad put my head through a wall for calling him out on cutting heroin on my coffee table."
"Pretty much par for the course in the Atwood Family."
Penhall nodded, then pulled the report from Ryan's hands. "Close that, come with me," he said.
"I have a lot to wade through," Ryan argued, even as Penhall pulled him up out of his seat.
"Davis and Mariano can do their own work when they get back, you're spending Christmas with the Penhalls."
"We're both off duty, it's Doug."
"I don't..."
"Look, this team? We're our own family," Penhall said. "Back in the day, I knew that no matter what, I could count on my team, from my partner all the way up to my Captain, no matter what I needed from them. And that includes them dragging my ass around so I didn't go too deep in a funk. So, you're spending the holiday with the Penhalls.
"Captain," Ryan said firmly. "You don't have to do this, okay? I don't need anyone, let alone my boss, pitying me."
"Who said anything about pity?" Penhall said. "I'm just looking for someone to back me up that I'm a good Captain, because my little brother and my ex-partner are both coming with their families, and they're more familiar with Doug the screw up."
"I don't know..."
"They'll be more than happy to tell you some Doug the screw up stories you can later blackmail me with," Penhall offered with a grin.
Ryan couldn't hold back the chuckle. "Alright, you talked me into it, Christmas with the Penhalls."
"Good, now come on, cause my kid is flying in and I'm already late picking him up."
"Can I go home and change then head to your place?" Ryan asked. "I'd rather be in 'Ryan' clothes than 'Cover' clothes if I've gotta deal with my boss' family."
"Alright, but if you're not there in an hour? I'm gonna be knocking on your door, and if you don't answer, I will break it down."
The End