Apocalyptothon: The Good Fight (Bones/Angel Crossover)

Jul 18, 2009 16:09

Title: The Good Fight
Author: missmara
Recipient: beckyh2112
Prompt: After the end of the world, Dr. Brennan has a mystery to solve in the form of a man who looks exactly like her dead partner.
Fandom: Bones/Angel
Rating: R
Spoilers (if applicable): Everything up until the end of Season 4.
Warnings (if applicable): Past (major) character death.
Summary: Dr. ( Read more... )

other:apocalyptothon, fandom:bones, fics:goodfight, fandom:btvs

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Comments 3

afteriwake July 19 2009, 03:19:40 UTC
This was really very good! And I loved the explanation of why Angel and Booth look the same.


escritoireazul July 19 2009, 17:16:26 UTC
I really love the characterization and the team learning to kill vampires and the way Angel (and the others) is going around to teach the people who want to fight how to fight.


beckyh2112 July 20 2009, 18:49:37 UTC
I like this. Is good to see the staff of the Jeffersonian still working as a team, and even better to imagine them as vampire hunters. Especially Bones, with her "misprogrammed Terminator"-like tendencies already. ^_^

"Several years ago, a friend attempted a spell to give me back my humanity,"

Angel doesn't have a good grasp on how long 'several' is if this spell was far enough back to give Booth a few years before having Parker. Silly vampire.


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