Selling Gundam Wing Trading Cards - Series 1, 2, and Gundam M.S. War

Mar 17, 2013 15:31

I was able to purchase a lot of Gundam Wing Trading cards - now my hopes were high thinking I could find the one I needed but sadly it wasnt in the lot :(

SO my loss is your gain - I am selling the following cards to all of you - the parentheses shows how many of each card I have - I am willing to trade any of these for any of the cards in my 'wish list'

Series 1
1(2), 2(2), 3(2), 4(3), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9(2), 10, 11(2), 15(3), 16(2), 17(3), 18(3), 19(3), 20(5), 21(3), 22(2), 23(3), 24(3), 25(2), 26(3), 27, 28, 29(6), 30(2), 31, 32(5), 33, 34, 35(3), 37(5), 39, 40, 41, 42, 44(3), 47, 48(2), 50(3), 51(3), 52(2), 53, 54(3), 57(2), 58(2), 59(3), 60, 61(3), 62(3), 63(5), 65(4), 66(3), 67(2), 68, 69, 70(4), 71(2), 72(2), 73(2), 74, 76(3), 77(4), 78(2), 79, 80(2), 81(3), 82, 84(2), 85, 87, 88(3), 89(3), 90

C1 (9) - checklist free with purchase!

CG-02, CG-03, CG-05, CG-06, CG-08, CG-12

Series 2
37, 62

MS1, MS2, MS5, MS8, MS13

Gundam M.S. War

MS-001 Wing Gundam, MS-002 Wing Gundam-Bird Mode, MS-003 Gundam Deathscythe, MS-004 Gundam Heavyarms, MS-005 Gundam Sandrock, MS-006 Shenlong Gundam, MS-007 Maganac(2), MS-008 Maganac, MS-009 Oliphant, MS-010 Taurus, MS-011 Leo, MS-012 Peacemillion, MS-016 Leo, MS-020 Tragos-Hover Mode, MS-033 Gundam Deathscythe, MS-044 OZ Transport Plane, MS-045 Transport Trailer, MS-052 Leo, MS-057 Pisces-Cruising Mode, MS-060 Tragos-M.S. Mode, MS-061 Taurus, MS-073 Taurus

PL-001 Heero Yuy, PL-002 Duo Maxwell, PL-003 Trowa Barton, PL-004 Quatre Raberba Winner, PL-005 Chang Wufei, PL-006 Relena Darlian, PL-007 Sally Po, PL-008 Doctor J, PL-011 Lady Une, PL-013 Dorothy Catalona, PL-014 Tubarov, PL-017 Trowa Barton, PL-021 Sally Po, PL-023 Howard,
PL-033 Tubarov, PL-034 Quinze, PL-039 Heero Yuy (2), PL-040 Duo Maxwell(4), PL-042 Quatre Raberba Winner(2), PL-045 Lady Une(2), PL-049 The President Of Earth Sphere(7), PL-052 Doktor S

EV-001 Operation Meteor, EV-002 Shocking Reply, EV-003 Rebel Factor, EV-004 Support of the Maganac Corps, EV-005 Highly Trained Pilot, EV-006 Nation of Total Pacifism, EV-008 Romefeller Foundation, EV-010 Emergency Escape, EV-011 Operation Daybreak, EV-012 Mobile Doll, EV-013 Confinement, EV-014 Space Fortress Barge, EV-021 Time to Rest, EV-024 Birthday Party, EV-033 The World Nation Forces, EV-035 Message from Treize Khushrenada, EV-038 Encouragement, EV-039 Military Action, EV-049 Special Attack Corps, EV-050 M.S. Transport, EV-051 Pinned Down, EV-052 Preventer(2), EV-053 Neo Titanium, EV-054 The Anniversary Of War's End(4), EV-057 Colony Infiltration(2), EV-058 Single Flower, EV-059 Power Transfer, EV-060 Heat Detector, EV-064 Gundam Recovery(6), EV-068 Blocking(3), EV-069 State Of Emergency(3), EV-070 People's Action(4), EV-072 Reformed(5)

BF-001 Liberation Army Village, BF-002 Singapore Space Base, BF-003 Sanc Kingdom, BF-004 L2 Colony, BF-005 New Edwards Base, BF-006 Lake Victoria, BF-009 Corsica Base(2), BF-017 Europe Air Force Base, BF-027 L1 Colony(5), BF029 The Gundam Scrap Heap, BF-030 In The Atmosphere, BF-031 In The Satellite's Orbit(2)
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