And the hunt once again resumes - Shaun and I scout once more for new television shows to watch. It's ridiculous and it's sad and it's a complete and utter meaningless waste of time, but I adore (more than I can express) TV on DVD. It's glorious not only because you get to skip all of the bad that comes along with tv (read: commericals, which, if you're MTV, is five minutes of commmerials per five minutes of show ... not that I watch shows on MTV) but you can also indulge your obsessions.
You know what I mean - like, you don't have to wait a week to find out whether or not Logan and Veronica get back together, whether or not Spike regains corporeal form or whether he goes to hell, whether or not House is gonna get arrested ... I'll admit it. I've said it before: I get entirely too attached to these characters and it has, on occasion, driven me a little bit nuts to wait seven whole days to find out their fate. I mean, granted, you know Angel isn't really gonna die and you know they can't kill Peter Petrelli because all the little fangirls would flip their shit, but still, it sucks.
And now I find myself with a new television obsession because, really, the thing I needed most was another reason to plop my ass down in front of the television for hours on end. Boston Legal is the most amazing show ever ... between James Spader and William Freaking Shatner, the show is a comedy gold mine. And seriously, I have to give it up to Shatner ... that man has perfect comedic delivery. I just might have to start a shrine to David E. Kelley ... he just might be my new Whedon or Abrams ... okay, maybe not that good ... but definitely good.