Hooooooly crap. Ooh. Okay. Just got back from seeing 28 Weeks Later with Brandon and Delores .... Dude, seriously. Do yourself a favor and go buy a ticket right now. I'm gonna even venture to say that it kicked the first one's ass. I mean, this little guy was freaking intense. You know, I wasn't even really all that excited about it because everything (besides 300 and Grindhouse) has been so suck lately that I'd sort of set myself up for disappointment.
Speaking of suck, do not go see The Invisible. Wait til it comes out on dvd or steal it from the internet if you feel you must see it, but it's awful. Terrible awful.
And to end this post ... the other morning I woke up from a dream and actually believed, for like 10 seconds, that the world had been taken over by zombies. Seriously. I heard a siren going off in the distance and thought, " ... OMG ZOMBIE POLICE". And I'm still not entirely sure whether I thought it was police that were killing the zombies or whether the police had been taken over by zombies, but once I returned to reality it got me thinking about what I would do if zombies really did take over the earth and I'm pretty sure that I came to the conclusion that I would die. Yes.
Edit: Okay, I spent way too much time figuring out which icon to use for this post because I actually have THAT MANY zombie related icons. I'm so lame.