Oct 19, 2006 00:20
You know, it's funny cause I sat in class the whole time like, "Oh, of course this lecture would have to be this week." So, Shaun's in New Hampshire for work (because the TCIA consultant is evil and all butt hurt cause Shaun owns him, like, everyday) which means that I am home alone for the next few days. Now, once upon a time I used to be a fierce sleep warrior, afraid of nothing short of an actual zombie appearance in my room, but the comfort that I've grown accustomed to as a result of having Shaun there everynight has turned me into a sniveling, frightened baby.
It's bad enough that I just did a report on Night of the Living Dead. It's even worse that I just saw The Grudge 2 on Friday. But then we have the class discussion on Urban Legends where Mr. Dewan brings up the single most terrifying urban legend to me, The Disappearing Passenger. (Although, he called it something about a Banshee and I was like, "What?") And then my mind started rolling and I started thinking about Bloody Mary and a whole bunch of other things that make me wet my pants and even though I should've been in bed like an hour ago I can't bring myself to do it cause I'm all scared-like. :-(
AND THEN ... The evil cable guy forgot to install the cable in our bedroom so I don't even have nice, safe little sitcoms with laugh tracks to fall asleep to. So, last night, I put in my Will & Grace dvd and fell asleep to that. But I also had like hours to toss and turn last night while trying to fall asleep with the creepies. I don't tonight. Evil!
scary stuff,
shaun's work,
pop culture