Jul 30, 2006 20:40
Can't complain about awesome weekends with the best of friends. Laila, Enjoli, Shaun and I went to Great America last Friday and I can honestly say I haven't had that much fun in a serious long time. The raddest part of it all were the total lack of lines (or, as Laila so aptly put it, the "anti-lines"). Seriously. The longest wait we had for was Drop Zone (which I am incredibly proud of myself for gathering up enough courage to go on) but other than that, it was five to ten minute waits for everything else. INSANE.
Oh, dude! They put in a freaking water park!!! Awesomeness abounded. Although we cursed ourselves for the rest of day since we basically walked around for hours with sopping wet clothing. Oh! And I got wonderful tan lines from wearing my tights. But like ... it was that or horrendous chafing, so I'll take the oddly colored legs, thank you very much. But seriously, the water park ruled. Except for the raft where we almost like ... flipped it over. That scared the beejeezes out of me. Then, after every normal ride we went on, we would leave puddles behind on the seats. I'm sure the people after us were like, "WTF?". Additionally, if you get the chance to go to Great America, GO ON INVERTIGO. Radical ride, one of the only that's actually ever made my world spin. Which was slightly nauseating, but well worth it.
And, of course, we went on Rip Roaring Rapids (TWICE) which is basically why I go to GA. It was made all the more awesome by the fact that Laila was the one who kept getting creamed with the water. No joke. We got off the ride and she looked like she'd just stepped out of the shower ... in her clothing. Mwaha. OH! SACRILIDGE!!! Days of Thunder is no longer Days of Thunder ... it's freaking SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS. And Top Gun? They no longer play "Highway To The Dangerzone" while you wait in line. Lame.
The cherry on top of this sundae? Seeing freaking Aly and AJ at the end of the day. That's right. You heard me. We got our Disney on. The girls are definitely cute, but to be perfectly honest, the show was a tad boring. Oh. And we were definitely the oldest people there unaccompanied by a child. Right on. (I don't know if you guys know this, but little girls scream ear-bleedingly loud.)
Ending note: HEY, LAILA ... I SO DID TOO PACK, IN YOUR FACE, PUNK! Shall we do the told-you-so dance? Told ya so, told ya so, told ya, told ya, told ya so!
great america,