permafryed much

Mar 29, 2006 11:19

all alcohol and no sleep makes Leanne a dull girl
all alcohol and no sleep makes Leanne a dull girl
all alcohol and no sleep.... you get the idea

ye olde stomach pains made an appearance this morning, which means no more alcohol for a while... fuck you undiagnosed ulcer-like symptoms

I went to school yesterday to find that the class I missed was a random worthless movie, and afternoon class was cancelled! So i went home, read some catcher in the rye (which i am IN LOVE WITH already) and slept from about 6pm till 630am. oh except for eating of course.

my previously mentioned "Case Study" was finally approved; school shit is coming together despite my excessive slacking off. Well, as much as it can. I have a feeling I will be disappearing off the face of the earth again, come final exam time.
The two-week April break will be MUCH needed!

speaking of disappearing, it's time for my massage
I love this school
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