40166 / 50000 words. 80% done!
I just have to keep writing like a fiend for two more days...
“Is it really true? All that stuff about him going undercover to try and mess with some other group in the States and then trying to do the same thing with TERA?”
“As far as I can tell, yeah, it is,” Brianna replied. “Maureen found records of him having changed his name twice, first to Bryan MacLeod, which was the name he used when he was with the Farms Forever Foundation in California, and then to Brett McElliot two years ago, right before I met him.” She recounted the rest of the evidence Maureen had uncovered, and how she and Omar had forced him out.
Rudy smiled. “That actually sounds kind of cool - what they did to him, I mean. I kind of wish I’d been there to see it.”
“I kind of wish I hadn’t been - or at least that I’d had some idea what was going to happen. I didn’t really take it very well. But Maureen had tried to talk to me about her concerns about everything Brett was doing before, and I never listened to her - I just kept defending him.” She bowed her head, remembering the horrible, sick feeling when she’d finally realized Maureen was right. “So I can’t really blame her for cutting me out of the loop. I guess I just couldn’t believe that he just - wasn’t at all the person I’d thought he was. That everything he’d ever told me, everything I’d ever thought we shared, was a lie. I - Oh gods, I shouldn’t be dumping all this on you…” She trailed off, suddenly aware that this probably wasn’t an appropriate conversation to be having with his 15-year-old son.
He smiled wryly. “It’s OK. I don’t really have any problem with the basic fact that my dad is a douchebag. I just didn’t really know how much of one he was.”