Voting, costuming, and other acts of creativity

Oct 25, 2010 20:01

  1. So, I voted, despite not really liking any of the candidates all that much. But sometimes the chance to vote against somebody outstandingly awful can be as strong a motivator and the chance to vote for someone you actually like. I suppose I should count myself lucky that at least my ward has a city councillor that I actually do like.

    25 minutes until the polls close and they start counting the votes. I am very apprehensive about this, and would prefer to get whatever news there may be in the company of friends so that we can either celebrate or console ourselves, whichever the case may be, with alcohol. There were rumours of some form of gathering growing out of the Cookies For Voting group on Facebook, but nothing seems to have materialized. Oh well.

  2. Got a dress for my Halloween costume (thanks to 50_ft_queenie for accompanying me on the search). May I say, 40s dresses are feats of engineering, and seem to be designed to work well for my particular sort of body, but I would really like to find some control top seamed stockings. Do such things actually exist?

  3. Still need to find or make some kind of hat/hair ornament thing. The guy in the store where I found the dress recommended some little hair-comb type thing with black feathers on it and maybe a little veil. I think I could probably manage that with some fabric scraps and what not, and a glue gun. But I need to find a comb base and some feathers. I tried a few beading stores, since they often have stuff like that, but the ones I checked didn't. Arton I think does, but they were just closing when I got there. :-(

    I may try and prepare myself tomorrow to go to the one bead store in my area. It requires advance preparation because the owner is allergic to everything, so you are not allowed in if you have used pretty much any sort of personal-care product any time in recent memory. So in order to go there, I will have to forgo not only BPAL, but hair conditioner and gel, hand cream, etc. and hope that my unscented deodorant doesn't set off any alarms (because there are some sacrifices I'm just not prepared to make).

  4. Saw an absolute adorable kids' tiger costume that looked like it might fit the Lynxcub, but when last I saw him, he was very adamant that he didn't want to dress up as anything for Halloween, so I didn't know if I should risk buying it if he might not want to actually wear it. Also, not 100% sure it would have fit. Maybe I'll ask him again about the costume thing when I see him tomorrow, and if he does seem to be in favour of it now, we could always go down to Kensington and see if it's still there.

  5. " Spare Change", my story for the first challenge of the LAS competition did not get any votes - not for best, not for worst. Will have to try and do better this time.

    There were a few really good ones in this round - notably Ophidia, which got my vote for best, and Diminuendo, which would have if that hadn't. If you didn't read any of the others, I recommend at least checking out those two stories.

    The second challenge comes with a really interesting prompt: "If you are going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill. I can think of a lot of interesting directions to take that one in, though one is currently standing out more strongly in my mind than others. No hints, as if I do end up writing that one, I'm not allowed to give any indication which story is mine, so as not to bias the voting. But it will be interesting to see what all the various writers do with this one...

lynxcub, writing, events, playing dress-up, politics

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