May 23, 2005 12:17
so today i have been acting really loopy and i couldnt see staight or hardly walk and my head and mouth were in excruciating pain. my mom thought that i was gonna have another seziure or somethin but i came up with the thoery that it was my teeth and sure enough it was! i'll be darned!
and just to make me feel better (NOT) i found out that zach cant come this weekend b/c his g-ma has a pinched nerve and she has a MRI scheduled for friday night, so he's either gonna catch a ride with his aunt or catch a bus.( hopefully he wont have to get a bus) as long as i get to see him tho i'll be in heaven! i havent seen him in a month!
so anywayz, i could have my license by now but since i had to get used to the CRAZII driving around here i had to wait! and i am gonna finally go next month to get it!(MAYBE) if i feel comfortable driving by then! lol. im sure i will b/c i have been driving A LOT!
well that's the latest with me! <3 im out! Love you ZACH!!! and i miss you soooo much babe!