Nov 12, 2006 16:10
New look, hopefully bringing with it a new idea, also a place to put down my Romania recolections and what goes through my head while across the pond, got to do something while it rains....
Actually for some reason I've been kept in on the days that are nice, and have been going out on the cold rainy ones, I don't get it. Today for example is a beautiful day, but I want to stay in because my hip is hurting something awful (aren't I too young to be saying things like that?) and it's me, the computer and my best friend the hat water bottle today.
I have several notbooks of information and thoughts from Romania, and to have somwhere to put them, they are slowly going here. Nothing incredible (one rewriteing of the Gambler to fit a perticularly awsome looking priest) and a lot about language, since I didn't speak thiers and they afton didn't speak mine. We went to help, but really it was more help to me, and often a burden for them, but I met good people, and long to return. Not that it's not incerdibly nice here, I have to admit the history still surprises me. I think I've goten over it and then Bam, here's another era I'd never thought to consider. Today's was Austenian, what a playground this must have been.