Days... aw crap, now I forget.

Apr 26, 2010 14:02

I finished out the week with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. My hair really likes it, and Brandon now has uncontrollable urges to nuzzle my head. I think that is enough to prove to me that shampoo is way overrated. This now has me looking at everything else I purchase and questioning it's validity... laundry soap, dish soap, household cleaners... what else am I just using out of habit rather than necessity?

So, step two, skipping a day. The first day of skipping went so well that I tried to skip the second day right afterwards. Not the best plan... I was uncomfortably greasy the whole day at work. So, now I haven't skipped a day since... especially since I have been dancing and in the sun. I think this week I will go back to skipping, just one day at a time for now... then after a week or so, two days off one day on. I have read of people who only ever wash with water... that would be awesome.
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