(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 21:26

Title: Weapon Training
Rating: PG-13 (kissing, sexual innuendos and a wee bit of swearing)
Disclaimer: Not mine :(
Summary: An Owen/Ianto spin on the weapon training scene from 1x03
Spoilers: Set prior to season 1, but with afore mentioned references to Ghost Machine.

“Ok Owen I need you to head out, knock on some doors, see what you can find out about this guy.”

“Aww, Jack, do I have to? I fucking hate door-to-door stuff, it never gets us anywhere,” Owen complained, receiving a biting look from his boss.

“Fine,” Jack replied after a pause. “You can stay here and train Ianto on the shooting range instead.”

“Are you joking? What the hell does he need weapon training for; he’s a tea boy!”

“Better to be safe than sorry,” Jack said and grinning at the disgusted look on Owen’s face, he left the Hub with Toshiko. After the metal door had clanged shut, Owen swore loudly and turning on his heel, he marched towards the shooting range.

“You, with me,” he ordered as he passed Ianto. The Welshman didn’t protest and simply followed him. Reaching the range, Owen wordlessly handed Ianto ear protectors and safety goggles and then stood a few feet away.

“Ok, stand side on, hold the gun with one hand, aim and squeeze the trigger,” He reeled off.

Ianto swallowed, trying to take it all in. He fired the gun and the bullet ricocheted off of the ceiling as the gun kicked in his hand.

Owen rolled his eyes. “Try again.” The other man did so, sending his second bullet straight through the middle of two Weevil cut-outs. Owen sighed.

“Here,” he said, moving to stand behind Ianto. “Loosen your arm up a bit, don’t be so tense. Now try again.” The third attempt was rather better, skimming the shoulder of a cut-out. Owen thought for a second then began pulling Ianto’s jacket from his shoulders.

“What are you doing?” Ianto asked, bewildered and a little apprehensive.

“You need to relax and be able to breathe, which you’re not gonna be able to do wearing this,” Owen explained, still tugging at the jacket. Seeming to see the logic in this, Ianto acquiesced. He subconsciously held his breath as Owen stood in front of him and also removed his tie and undid the first few buttons of his shirt, then returned to his position behind Ianto.

“Ok, now bring the gun up, slowly,” Owen murmured, shadowing Ianto’s movements. Ianto could feel the older man’s warm breath on his now exposed neck and feel the heat through his shirt as their bodies pressed against one another. He felt Owen’s heart rate quicken but shook his head a little to free it from the distraction. “Take a deep breath,” Owen was almost whispering now. “And squeeze.”

The shot rang out and Ianto saw a small hole through the chest of the cut-out. Breathing a slight sigh of relief, he closed his eyes and, lowering the gun, leaned back into the doctor who, to his surprise, didn’t move away.

Owen smiled at the success of Ianto’s shot. “Well done,” he said softly, inclining his head into Ianto’s neck and closing his eyes. Breathing in, he could smell the familiar scent of coffee and laundry powder that he was becoming to associate with Ianto.

Ianto didn’t know how long they stayed like that but suddenly, as though he’d just realised exactly what he was doing, Owen’s head snapped up and, disentangling his body from Ianto’s, he stepped away and began packing up the equipment.

“That was good,” he said, unable to meet Ianto’s eye.

“I’m a quick learner,” Ianto replied softly. He felt an indescribable emptiness at the loss of body contact and confusion at Owen’s behaviour. He watched the other man as he fiddled longer than was necessary with the equipment. Eventually he decided he wasn’t wanted and picked up his discarded jacket and tie. “I’m gonna go back up.”

“Yeah,” Owen said quickly and he turned to leave, stopping as he heard his name.

“Yes, Owen?” He asked and waited patiently as Owen struggled to find the words. After several attempts, Owen simply shook his head, keeping his eyes resolutely on the floor and with a sad smile, Ianto left.

Owen raised his eyes to the retreating form and sighed, feeling like a complete idiot. He turned around and leaned against the table, rubbing his tired eyes. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened but he knew he’d definitely handled it badly.

“Such a twat,” he told himself. Then he heard unexpected rapid footsteps behind him and turning, he found himself being pulled into a strong kiss. He quickly got over the surprise and relaxing into it, he threaded his fingers through Ianto’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer. They parted, both gasping for breath.

“Sorry,” Ianto whispered huskily, his eyes lowered. Owen looked up and smiled.

“I’m not.” Ianto lifted his eyes and returned the smile. Owen took his hand.

“Come on,” he said leading him out of the Hub’s underground entrance and towards Owen’s car.

“Where are we going?” Ianto asked, glancing back towards the Hub.

Owen grinned at him and winked.

“Weapon training.”
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