My 2014 Guests; My Father.

May 01, 2014 01:00

April 2014 saw many wonderful authors being interviewed on the blog. They were kind enough to submit to my many questions and my regular question--if you were a plant in the next life, what would you be, and why?

You can find their posts thus:

  • Astrid Amara, author of "The Archer's Heart" and "The Devil Lancer." She would also like to be a " ( Read more... )
  • family, guests

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    Comments 4

    twasadark May 1 2014, 04:19:22 UTC
    Wow, how interesting it is to read about everyone's choice of plant! All so different but all so meaningful. What a great question.

    Your dad was quite a guy! I can't even imagine living to 97. I'm sure you have many, many memories of him. *hugs* When a member of our families dies it's like getting a limb ripped off in some sudden, traumatic accident, at least in my experience. The phantom pains linger for a long time.


    misslj_author May 1 2014, 10:55:42 UTC
    I've always gotten really interesting answers to that question, so I make sure to ask it for every interview. :)

    He'd definitely lived a full life, that's for sure. Today is his birthday, so it's been a bit tough.


    angharad_gam May 1 2014, 11:38:36 UTC
    Awww, such a cute baby :-D


    misslj_author May 4 2014, 09:31:56 UTC
    That changed pretty quick! XD


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