Guest Post: Zathyn Priest.

Apr 14, 2014 01:00

Today my guest is fellow South Aussie, the lovely Zathyn Priest. Please welcome him here on the blog! All yours, Zathyn!

What inspired you to pen your first novel?

By 'first' novel, I'll assume first published novel, which was The Curtis Reincarnation. I'd finished a two year stint working with an editor/appraiser mentor who taught me valuable lessons on how to pace a story, how to curb my habit of waffling on for pages, about character development, and many other things. After the couple of years, when I'd received her nod of approval in regards to tuning up my technique, I shelved the novel we'd been working on together. I was sick of the sight of the damn thing. One night while surfing the internet, I stumbled on the Torquere Press website, read the submission guidelines, and decided to write something to send them.
Deciding to write something was the easy part. What to write wasn't quite as simple. The inspiration for 'Curtis' came from watching the movie Notting Hill. I had no idea m/m fiction was a big genre, and even less of an idea rock star books were popular. As it turned out, I think 'Curtis' is the book that will follow me to my grave!

What's your favourite genre to read and to write?

As far as reading goes, I tend to read non-fiction mostly. But if I read fiction then I am partial to a good thriller or horror. I also love a good tear-jerker. Genre to write? I don't have a preferred one. I do love torturing my characters with a hefty dose of angst wherever possible. If they're going to have a happy ending then they're going to have to work for it. They're not going to get it easily. I also love writing bad guys. The ones people love to hate, who have twisted minds. The serial killer in The Slayer's Apprentice, for example, doesn't make much of an appearance throughout the book until the end, but does his/her fair share of mind-f*cking with the characters and I LOVED writing those scenes. Getting into his/her head and playing the role of a psychopath to write his/her character convincingly was fun. (Not sure what that says about me!)

So what are you working on at the moment?

At the moment I'm working on a contemporary novel, which I've recently pulled apart and completely changed the main plot line. It's another angst-ridden main character I'm having fun torturing.
I have a few other WIP's started and put on hold for the moment. A sequel to The Curtis Reincarnation, which I doubt will be finished this year as it's not co-operating with me at all. Another novel, Dystopia, which may be finished this year. I'm also planning a sequel to my short story, Left of Centre. My new release novel, Amara: The Rebirth was written with plans to be a series, so there is that to consider, too.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I believe in intense attraction and a strong connection with someone at first sight, which can often be mistaken for love. But real love takes more time and is built on getting to know someone personally, developing a friendship, and getting to know each other.
Actually, one of the things I wrote into The Curtis Reincarnation was this very fast 'love at first sight' thing and it's now one aspect of the book I don't like. Consequently, in the sequel they'll be suffering the fall out of this, and it may be one aspect of the next book readers don't like - lol! There will be a HEA… not until they've fought for it, though!

If you could have coffee with anyone living or dead, but not a celebrity, who would it be and why?

My late partner, who took his life in 2001. I think the 'why' is self-explanatory.

What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why?

Actually, I saw a quote posted on Facebook a few days ago that I thought was beautiful and very true. I don't think it had an author or, if it did, I can't remember.

Sometimes the strongest person in the morning is the person who has cried all night.

Do you have any sort of writing rituals that you do?

Nope, I'm incredibly boring like that. Computer, music, coffee… that's about it.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to a new author?

You can't please all of the people all of the time.

How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?

No formula. Not that I'm aware of anyway. I'm very visual; I see the movie in my mind and then write the script. Characters develop along the way as I get to know them and they reveal more of their personalities to me. I go back and forth with the manuscript adjusting parts of it as they grow, and then polish it all up in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th (or more) drafts. Nothing ever turns out like I originally imagined it, though. Especially with novels. I've never started a novel that has ended with its final draft being how I originally pictured it.

What is your favourite room to write in?

I have my office, which is actually the most depressing room in the house. It's in desperate need of redecorating. Sadly, my morbid fear of heights, and the ridiculously high ceilings in this house, make painting a challenge. I need to find a tall boyfriend who loves painting walls.

What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general?

For me personally it's dealing with anxiety issues I have in regards to writing. Something I've been battling with for a few years now and is the reason I haven't had a new book release for so long. Liquid Glass was my last novel, and I think that was about three and a half years ago. Then the dreaded anxiety hit and I basically vanished from the writing world. Amara: The Rebirth will be my first novel since then and, to be perfectly truthful, I'm freaking out about its release in April. To the point I'm trying to pretend it's not happening, and I predict I may kind of slink away into the shadows when it does.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing your books?

Hmm… not sure it's a surprising, but a valuable lesson anyone can learn is to never presume you can't learn more. Don't ever think you're the best you can be, because you're not. Stagnation as an author makes for lazy writing. My personal opinion is that the second any author assumes there's nothing left for them to learn in their craft is the second they need to quit for good.

What are your goals for the rest of 2014?

To get through the release of Amara without having a major meltdown! After that, I'll be attending GRL in Chicago in October. I'd also like to try and get another novel finished before the end of the year.

Finally, the question I ask everyone I interview - if you were a plant in the next life, what would you be, and why?

A rose bush with dark red blooms. Dark red because it's bold and represents my Goth side. The plant because they're beautiful, but they're also tough and you don't want to mess with them. They'll get you with their thorns, making you sorry if you try!

Zathyn can be found at the following locations:
Twitter: @zathynpriest
Amara: The Rebirth promo page:
The Curtis Reincarnation- Mlr Press:
Other titles - Scarlet Tie Books:


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