Contract Signed for "Mythica."

Oct 14, 2013 16:16

I'm so pleased to announce that Mythica, my paranormal set in South Australia, in the towns of Tiddy Widdy Beach and Ardrossan, has been picked up for publication with Bottom Drawer Publications. BDP are an Australian press, publishing both hetetosexual and homosexual romance and erotic fiction by authors worldwide. They have open submissions, guidelines are here.

So here's to another new book from me with a local publisher!

Mythica is the story of Caiden, a half-human, half-Mythica. He's part Selkie, and lives by the sea in the country town of Tiddy Widdy Beach, next to Ardrossan, on the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia. He has all but given up on romance, so when he meets Gray, a Sylph, the attraction takes him by surprise.

But danger lurks and there is a shadowy group called Free Earth who seek to destroy all Mythica on Earth. Can Caiden and Gray survive this threat to not just their lives but to their fragile new love?

bottom drawer publishing, novel: mythica

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