Guest: Hayley B. James Guest Post.

Apr 26, 2013 00:35

Today, my guest is Hayley B. James. Please welcome her to my blog!


Thank you for hosting me today, LJ!

Before a plot forms, I try to get down the leading guys. Personality is the top importance for me since it shapes a character’s physical form as well. But which comes first-the look or the mind? It really just depends on the guy.

Many times a character will form and flow out into the manuscript without too much of a struggle. Sometimes it takes a few practice scenes before he takes on the right personality. When an idea for a story first pops in my head, I write a few short scenes between characters to feel out their personalities and how they’ll communicate with each other. Once I’m satisfied with the personalities and relationships, I’ll then start their story.

For "Water Waltz," the lead, Varun, went through a few different personalities before he emerged as the stand-offish demon concealing a hemorrhaging heart behind a cold and arrogant exterior. I wanted him to be sure of himself but not too snobby in his power. (He was much worse in his arrogance in original attempts and I didn’t like it.)

Triste was the first character thought of for "Water Waltz". His name means sad and I named him because of his (you guessed it) sadness. He’s suffering by being apart from his lover, but he continues forward with his head held high to see his job through. He also didn’t turn out as the original test scenes had him either. He’s a little less sad and a lot more headstrong.

Amer is the driver in "Water Waltz" and originally a very bitter and pessimistic angel. He came out differently as well. He’s sarcastic, humorous, and a little bit naughty. With Triste being sad, I didn’t want two miserable angels. And Amer’s fun personality is a joy to write and read. He wasn’t written as a comic relief character, but he does manage to lighten the mood.

"Water Waltz" is the first in a fantasy series and is available now from Dreamspinner Press:

When I started "Paid Leave," the plot came first. Benji developed not long after. He’s a closeted gay police officer with the Albuquerque Police Department. He’s a strong but silent type. I only wrote one practice scene with Benji because his personality didn’t need a revision.

Benji is a sweetheart beneath his stoic demeanor so the man he would fall in love with needed to be just as sweet. Neal is optimistic, a bit of a rambler, and compliments Benji’s more reserved nature. He also needed no revision from his first appearance in my imagination. Neal’s bright smile formed first when developing his character, and from there, it made sense he would be clever and outgoing. He would need more than a perfect smile to bring Benji out of his shell.

"Paid Leave" is scheduled for release in May 2013 from Dreamspinner Press:

Water Waltz Blurb:

In a land where humans are enslaved as sexual toys, angels and demons are in constant conflict with their playthings. The demon Varun works with STAR, an organization devoted to human liberty, and it’s a never-ending battle.

Two years ago, the angel Triste broke Varun’s heart by choosing to be his butler instead of his beloved, giving Varun no explanation and no hope. However, that doesn’t mean that Triste will simply sit back and watch as Varun takes the human Elden under his protection, and Triste’s secret investigation will unearth terrible secrets, including the kernels of a pernicious plot.

Despite appearances, Triste and Varun are still in love, and Varun may well risk everything to protect Triste and discover why the angel left him heartbroken. But a still worse danger hangs over them as they seek to calm the threat of a catastrophic war.

Water Waltz Excerpt:

“Let’s walk for a bit,” Fremont requested. He grinned and took several steps away, forcing Varun to follow.

The demon lifted his hand toward his driver waiting beside the car, indicating for Amer to stay close. If the rain decided to drench the streets, Varun wanted the option of getting Fremont into a dry vehicle. He wouldn’t care if he personally got soaked, but Fremont wasn’t a fan of water.

“I heard a rumor today that I wanted to ask you about,” Fremont confessed after they had gone by several shop doors. The rain hitting the above awnings filled the walkway with enough noise to thwart eavesdropping.

“What is it?” Varun directed his attention to the devil.

Fremont wrapped his hands around Varun’s arm. “Barish had a human. I knew that part, of course, but is it truly running the streets?”

“Who said that?”

“You vacated the party early and set the precedent for the other guests. Most left after your departure.” Fremont slowed their steps to allow a couple to pass them. “Nia said no one used the creature-he’s apparently a very skilled fighter and no one cared to bother with subduing him. But Faye and Layette received injuries.”

Varun stopped their steps completely. “Did Nia tell you this?”

“You knew about the injuries.”

“I heard the rumor.”

Fremont laughed lightly. “Nia believes the human injured the two, killed Barish, and fled into the city.” He tilted his head and pulled Varun’s tie out of his waistcoat, sliding his fingers down the material. “Not usually my favorite color, but it brings out your eyes,” he commented. “I’m only a fan of blue when I’m with you. Odd.”

Varun allowed Fremont’s fingers to straighten the tie knot that needed no adjustment. “Do you believe Nia’s story?” he asked evenly.

Fremont smoothed Varun’s tie against his chest. His hand lingered against the relaxed muscle. Varun would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the warmth beneath the devil’s touch, even if he did deny the wish it belonged to another.

Fremont said, “Barish’s human wasn’t given to the shelter. Did one actually manage to get away from you?”

Varun tipped Fremont’s chin up and placed a kiss on the devil’s forehead. “You told me about the shelter, Fremont,” he whispered. “I let the human go.”

“Such a big heart,” Fremont chuckled, amused by both the gesture and the statement. “You don’t care about strays.”

“I can’t say I care about many creatures.”

Fremont frowned at the statement. He took a breath and smiled brightly. “Let’s dance on the promenade in the rain. Everyone will think we’re mad,” he suggested.

“They’ll think I’m mad,” Varun corrected. “They already know you are.”

Fremont grinned wickedly in an act of agreement. “Aren’t all devils somewhat crazy?”

“But you’re certainly an exception.”

Fremont’s smile decreased. He looked into the street, watching the vehicles pass by in the rain. “Can you smother sadness with an unbounded amount of sadness?”

Varun placed his hand in the small of Fremont’s back, resuming their walk. “I’ve never known you to contemplate such a thought.”

“I believe strongly that you can smother sadness with excessive amounts of joy.” Fremont stopped suddenly, forcing Varun to turn his body to face the devil. “I’ve been thinking about you, Varun.”

“I welcome any daydream you might have had.”

“I’m worried.”

Varun chuckled without humor and pulled Fremont into his arms. He kissed the devil’s damp hair and lowered his lips to whisper against his ear. “I have no need to smother any emotion, dear. I’m happy. Truly.”

“You were always such a talented liar.”

Buy from Dreamspinner Press:


Paid Leave coming soon from Dreamspinner Press, May 3rd.

Blurb: Albuquerque police officer Benji Miller made the choice to hide his sexuality and devote his life to his career. He guards his secret carefully, believing he is protecting his job and happiness. Then, during a routine traffic stop gone awry, he shoots a suspect to protect a young girl, and his life spins out of control. A department-mandated paid leave rips away the only distraction he had, and he has to deal with the unsympathetic media who criticize the police department’s every move.

One day, needing to get out of the house, Benji walks into a café, where he meets Neal McCoy-a gay man living without shame, unafraid to speak his mind or stand up against prejudice. Benji quickly falls for Neal but struggles to combine his new love interest and his career. With the media threatening the careful illusion he’s built around himself, Benji can’t stand the pressure.

Benji has to decide: sacrifice his happiness in the name of his career and an easy life, or find the courage to give up the lonely existence he knows and take a step into the unknown.

Buy it/Preorder it: and


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