Guest: Interview with Nicole Hines.

Apr 01, 2013 00:30

My first guest this month is indie author Nicole Hines. Take it away Nicole!

1. When and why did you begin writing?

I think I first started out writing fan fiction as a teen, mostly Harry Potter, then that progressed into having all these ideals and worlds come into light. Random characters started talking to me and I just knew that I had to get it all down and make it mine.

2. When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I’ve always been a writer; I just recently became an author.

3. What inspired you to pen your first novel?

My characters. They had so much they were constantly telling me and wanting to me to know. I knew the only way was to write it down and get it all in writing.

4. Who or what has influenced your writing, and in what way?

I can think of two authors that have influenced my writing. The first would be Keri Arthur, the way that she built her worlds and her characters made me feel like it was possible for me to do it as well. The second would be Iris Johansen. I understand that generally a lot of dialogue isn’t liked in written works, however, she put a lot into hers and it showed me that it was okay to have a lot of dialogue.

5. Do you have a specific writing style?

No. I’ve talked to many people who write an outline first or they write in order. I’m jumbled. At times I write an outline or maybe I’ll start in the middle of the novel. I’ve never been consistent.

6. What genre are you most comfortable writing?

Romance. Mainly paranormal, though I recently ventured into contemporary.

7. Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

No, but I imagine it was just from me wanting a living count of my characters.

8. What do you see as the influences on your writing?

Other writers, family, friends. Everything around me.

9. Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Yes, I can. This is a small snippet from my current work, a YA novel. In this scene she is trying to find medicine to help her very sick sister.

The snow fell in a steady fall. It blanketed the ground in a dusty white. The white trees were bare, their leaves having fallen off in early autumn. It looked too cold, too desolate. No animal life survived in these parts anymore.

Cambrie picked up a stone and looked at it. She had to get Crysillis some medicine, but the only place was nearly fifty miles away. It was well over two days journey. Cars didn’t exist anymore unless you were a part of royalty, which meant making the trip with horse and buggy.

The stone fell to the ground as she stood and headed over to the barn. Only one horse remained, the rest knocked out by sickness and starvation. She harnessed him and led him out where the buggy sat. It was little more than a wooden slab on wheels. She expertly attached the horse before she went into the house, back to her sister’s room.

Crysillis’ coat hung on the side of the bed and Cambrie grabbed it before she maneuvered Crysillis in an attempt to dress her. The young girl was still unconscious, the fever raging. She carried Crysillis outside, covering the girl in all the blankets in the house. She didn’t care about their possessions, they owned nothing.

10. What got you interested/started in writing?

The want for everyone to know about the worlds and people that lived in my head.

11. How long have you been writing?

Since I was little, more seriously when I was a teenager, then I got very serious about 18, so 5 years give or take.

12. Are you working on any books/projects that you would like to share with us?

I’m currently in the works of 3 different novels. I apologize now I’m not very good at writing short summaries.

The first is the second in my Angels and Demons series, which stares Keaira Murphy as she tries to get through life with the burden of being an outsider in a very strict world.

The second, Wanted Moon, would be the sequel to my very first novel. In this one we learn more about Roe and about the trials he has to face to get to a place that makes him happy.

The last one is the YA novel. In this one Cambrie learns that she’s a long lost princess and that her parents had purposefully gotten rid of her as a means of hiding secrets they don’t want the world to know.

13. What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?

That I love it and have always wanted to do just this. Even if I never get famous for what I do, at least I’ve tried and that’s what matters.

14. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Oh, that’s a hard one. There are just so many. While Keri Arthur influenced me the most , I would have to say that my favorite has got to be J.K. Rowling. She started with nothing but a napkin and it’s amazing to see the lives that she’s changed just because of a boy named Harry Potter.

15. Finally, the question I ask everyone I interview - if you were a plant in the next life, what would you be, and why?

Oh, goodness. I don’t know. I would say a tulip, the reasons why is something that I know and one other person. It’s a secret.

Forever Moon
By Nicole Hines.

Buy Link:

Blurb: Many years ago an ancient war was started by the Daeva, vampires, as an attempt to wipe the world of all werewolves. Avery Bennett, alpha of the Vilkas Pack, has always protected his pack and was capable of doing what was needed of him. However, that all changed the moment that Melanie Brios got thrown into the mix. Targeted by the vampires, Melanie needs all the help she can get in order to keep from being the next in a long line of victims. Melanie had always known she was special. Ever since she was a little girl she had a special connection with animals. As the vet of a small town clinic, her world changed the moment that Avery Bennett entered it as an injured wolf on her doorstep. Now, can she trust him enough to keep her safe or will she risk losing her heart as well as her life?

Deadly Liasons

By Nicole Hines.

Buy Link:

In the life of Keaira Murphy, an unusual succubus/angel hybrid, things are never normal. This though takes the cake. As an assassin for Death, Keaira has seen her fair share of evil and death. Most of it dealt by her own hand. However, things change when she's ordered to kill her brother and after that things go from bad to worse. First, she's attacked in the hospital by zombie-like dead people, then almost blown up, and the next thing she knows her daughter has been kidnapped. Now she must join forces with two unruly men. Men who aren't what they appear on the surface. Together they must work and fight against a very powerful being in order to find her daughte. Preferably before she loses Evangeline and her own life. Just another Monday.


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