Cocky Dogs and Books.

May 13, 2018 15:55

By now, you may (or not!) have heard of #cockygate, where one woman has tried to trademark the word "cocky."

Subsequently, there is an anthology call from Jackie Barbosa, which may be of interest to many of you. Here's the details:

From her tweet here:

1) Romance, any subgenre
2) Must feature a cocker spaniel
2) ~5k words
3) Due 05/31/18

If interested, email (jackie at ) or DM. I'll edit, get cover art, format, etc. Royalties to legal costs, equally distributed if none.

She also says m/m is just fine.


Additionally, a group of authors are doing a giveaway from the 15th to the 30th of May on Instafreebie. It's not live yet, but keep an eye out on this space as more books are added so you can grab some amazing romance books for free, in all genres, subgenres, heat ratings, pairings, and so on. I have a book in this too, I'm honoured to be among so many amazing authors.

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anthology: the cocky cockers, books, give-away, #cockygate, links

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