The first image is all three they gave me. The second and third images are cropped off the first, but they may be bigger and more easy to see. More easy, not easy... it's all kind of blurry. Baby is only 1 inch right now. The pictures do it no justice to seeing it on the screen. It's little heart was beating so fast. Adorable. You can't see the yolk sac in these images either, they showed us the yolk sac, which will eventually get obsorbed into the uterus when the baby becomes dependant on the placenta. It was just behind the head, between the head and the uterus wall. Before the appointment I was thinking the baby is probably about as big as my thumb, turns out it's only about as big as from the last knuckle of my thumb to the tip (Kari, Kristin, can you help me out on what that part of the thumb might be called? LOL) Very Cute! I'm so excited. We're gonna be parents!
Ok, enough jabber, take a look....