Yes, because I'm excited I decided to write up a superlong report like always (mostly just because I have a bad memory and want to make sure not to forget stuff). No one's probably going to read this...waaay too long. XDD But it was awesomely fun!
Megacon )
LOL. Aww, so cuute ♥
By the way (and I don't mean this rudely at all; I love having random comments from new people XD) how'd you find my journal? XD
I was at the despairsray_fan lj community and where someone said they went to dinner with d'espairsray so I clicked around and ended up at your report ^^
I should join that community...XD I was trying to find the main despairsray one, but hadn't yet. ^^ Can I friend you? Always glad to talk with more fans of Despa. ^^
Sure I'll add you back :)
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