For some odd reason, instead of sleeping as I should (since I have to get up in a little over four hours), I started the bis fic to
amayahimura and ended up writing a Kirito/Jun fic instead. (Have no fear! I did manage to write a couple of pages of the bis fic too. XD)
Enter the Fluffy Zone )
in the meantime...what was i gonna make for ya? i forgets
A wallpaper! XDD Ooh or a winamp skin! Something with Seika hopefully. XD *doesn't adore Seika...not at all...XD*
So my plans for the fic are to start off kiind of Shunsuke/Maru, then go to your fav XD and Maru/Seika...I think that's how it's going to work. XD Let's see if it actually turns out that way. *goes to bed before she's inspired to write more* ^^;
but anythings good ne
i can make more than one skin if you like...i sorta have a wallpaper done already..what size do yer want
Ooh~ Make as many as you want. XD I'll snatch them all up~ 1024x768 please ^^
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